This will open up the crafting screen, where you can select other ingredients to use in the process. Right-click the ingredient that you want to use in a recipe, and click the Combine option. To craft an item, press I to bring up your inventory menu, and take a look at the items you have in your bag on the right-hand side of the screen. With the right materials, you can cook food for buffs and restoration, or even craft various potions to help you out in fights as well. You can start crafting items once you’ve gathered a few ingredients and raw materials, which are scattered basically everywhere in the world.
Recipes feel more streamlined this time around, and a lot more accessible as well, allowing you to craft items far more easily. Crafting wasn’t very well received in the first game because of its odd recipes and ingredients, but the system has been improved quite a bit in Divinity: Original Sin 2.